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It’s harder to water than I thought, so I’m surprisedBumper boats purchase tickets at the ticket office first. Two people can board each boat, and there was a fee of 7,000 won for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 10,000 won for Jeongeup citizens. This also seemed to be a discount.Aerial rope course is connected in the air on the second floor, and the last one is to come down on a zip line. I think it was more fun because it was quite fast. It’s different from the zip line in the playground. LOLMy oldest child told me that it’s always fun to plan and go out on my way home… Really Gamdong… I should come again with my nieces and nephews next time!! Recommend a place to go with Jeonbuk kid in Jeonju Neighborhood School!! I was successful again todayAnd trampolines are over 7 years old, and there are places where they play under 7 years old, so I was able to spend my time in a bad way 🙂 Thanks to you, I fell down on my way homeI left it to my child to drive, but I was surprised that he drove better than I thought. It would have been better if I could see the museum right next door!! Also, there is Naejangsan Water Park near here, so it seems that a large floor fountain is also in operation. I wish I could use this next time..!!When you go to the area where the child wants to do climbing activities, the staff puts on safety equipment like this.I even had a water gun on it. I told my younger second son that he should never shoot at people. I should go home safelyThe parking lot is good and there’s a camping site right next to it, so the kids want us to come here next timeI’m looking for recommendations for places to go with a Jeonbuk child. I think Angel Heroes in Myonjeong-eup are good. Angel Heroes and Wanju Noltopia are similar, so I asked the children where they found it more fun. The eldest child said that Wanju Noltopia had more to do, and the second one is called Angel Heroes. My taste is dividedAfter I make the payment, I go down and go to the waiting area. They gave me a brief briefing and detailed instructions on how to wear a life vest.There are places where you can put your belongings, so please put your bag, cell phone, and valuables hereI wonder if jumping from a high place is the joy I knew about how to jump so confidently.Before we go in, we scan what the facilities are.The operating hours are 8,000 won for adults, 9,000 won for children, and 6,000 won for children under the age of seven. You can pay in advance for an hour and pay for the rest when you pay an additional fee. Citizens of Jeongeup, those of national merit, the disabled, basic living recipients of the people, and single-parent families can use the discount rate as a reduction or exemption.I was worried that there would be too many people because it was Saturday, but I don’t think there were as many people as I thought.The location is hereI had to fill out a pledge, but anyone under 14 must be on board with a guardianWhen I looked at it from a distance, the water looked really deep, so I was a little scared, but when I went down, it wasn’t that deep. It’s a height where you can see the floor, so you won’t miss it, but it feels safe even if it falls out. So I was more relievedHe did a better job than I thought. In particular, the second half of Wanju Noltopia didn’t like the baby zone, so I was really bored, but in Jeongeup Angel Heroes, the play was really big, something very colorful, and there were a lot of things, so the kid was very happy.In addition, there are small spaces for soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball, and archery in the middle, and there are racing games, electronic darts, and shooting games, so I think mom and dad can have fun.Recommended places to visit with Jeonbuk Ai, Jeonju Geungyojeong-eup Angel Heroes, Bumper Boat412, Naejangsan-ro, Jeongeup-si, Jeollabuk-do, Angel HeroesThe Angel Heroes recommended for Jeonbuk Aiwa is once you enter!! You have to register for waiting. If you take a QR code for waiting registration in front of you and register your phone number and the number of people entering, you will be informed when it is your turn.I can see how much time is left and the music is coming out. It wasn’t that wide, but the kids just loved it so much just walking around here. I thought 15 minutes was longer than I thought, but I want to ride it again after getting off. LOLI kept talking about watching my husband and the kids playing, and they came to the camping site next to me and said that it would be great to let them know. LOLAfter waiting for about 15 minutes, it’s finally our turn to enter. After paying, they give us bracelets that we can wear on our arms like this. Take it when you come out with this. ㅠ.ㅠ Be careful that it’s going well ★I also thought climbing was cool when I saw it coming down with my feet. lolI think he’s not scared. He’s going very bravely, but he really claps for his courage!Lol I’m already tired just by talking to youWhen I first brought him here, my husband saw the boats from a distance, thought it was a duck boat that stepped on the pedal, and sighed, asking if he had paid for it and had a hard time, but it quickly became bright because it was an electric boat. The wind was cool, the mountains were nice, the scenery was nice, and the donation was so goodIt might be uncomfortable if you wear a skirt because you’re hanging it up to your legs…There was also a karaoke room, but it was closed due to Corona… Corona is bad…I had news of rain on Saturday, so I was thinking about what to do indoors, and I found a place called Jeongeup Angel Heroes. Angel Heroes is an indoor space amusement facility. I remember that my oldest child loved it so much when she went to Noltopia in Wanju, so I thought she would like it here, too. 50m NAVER Corp. More / OpenStreetMap Map Datax NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Beomrye Real Estate Street, Myeon, Dongsim, Gun, Gusi, and Provincial GovernmentAnd after running for an hour, I came to ride the bumper boat right next to it 🙂 It’s really right next to the museum, so if you stop by Angel Heroes, I recommend you to take a picture of this place. I also wanted to look around the museum, but unfortunately it was closed…

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